When you are in high school or college you are looking to pay the bills and put yourself through school. Some people are fortunate to not work during that time and/or never get involved in the food industry. But I will tell you, it gives you a different perspective, especially after 5 years.  

1. You appreciate people that work in the food industry, like waiters/waitresses, drive-thru order takers, making food, prepping food. If I didn’t work in it, I wouldn’t understand the ratio of difficult people that make a major deal over a $5 meal. I have the most respect and appreciation whether they are making a soft taco at Taco Bell or cooking a steak at Ruth Chris. I will say it here again. Thank you.

Making fiesta salsa was a war…

2. Working with people is difficult, working with people when food is involved, even more challenging. The challenge is not only the dynamic of the team that is working in the building but the people they serve. It is difficult because you have no idea and it is all walks of life. I have some interactions that would never happen if I didn’t work in food or Taco Bell. One includes getting goldfish shoved in my face in the drive-thru. Because they grabbed a cup out of my hand and the squeeze popped off the cap and they got some soda on them. It is just funny what can flip a person, maybe it is the hunger=anger?

More like face versus goldfish

3. I was a Crew Trainer and I trained over 50 people, one who was unable to read but was in high school. That shocked me how that could be possible but also it was tough for the person to admit and we worked a different way to help the person work and learn. Another was 18 with two kids trying to get through school. I had people that didn’t take the job seriously and has the perspective that I will work when I get my real job. With that attitude, you may not get that “real job”! I got challenged and it changed my personality and perspective in my life.

I think I made over 10,000 tacos in my lifetime

4. The friends from there are still my friends as they became a family and we would do things together. Parties, travel, late-night drives. It was amazing to meet such dynamic people and I learned a lot from them and enjoyed every moment. It becomes a part of your life for a short time but the impressions that you get will last a lifetime. You get from it what you put in and those bonds were important for me in my career.

Lets give them something to taco bout?

5. Working 5 years anywhere is quite a challenge but in the food industry, it was not easy. The reason was I had previous jobs and quit and was not committed. At that point, I told myself that the next job whatever it is, I need to commit myself and give it everything. And that is the biggest advice, even if this is not your career, you should give it everything and do the best job. Because if you don’t know, when will you work hard and give it your best?

It depends how many tacos…