
Frezza Design

5 Go-To Tools/Site for Creative Ideation

After 15 years of design experience, I am always looking for new ways to find creative ideas. I always have some go-to but others are new and I find that it is good to revise this every year. Here are some of the methods and places that I go to. Below are the 5 creative […]

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My first show for Zildjian

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was 2007 and I was under a year in at Zildjian. The location Twin Rivers Casino in Rhode Island. Band was Cheap Trick. It would be the first time meeting a band representing a company and doing photography on stage. At the time I was just working […]

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4 Lessons I Learned When I Switched Jobs Twice in One Year

Life has a lot of challenging decisions that you have to make in order to grow, to learn, and to get to where you want to go. And one of those challenges is changing your job. I was fortunate enough to land where I was happy and knew as my life changed, my career needs […]

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